The SOL-IT Cubes are so versatile, adaptable, expandable – simply dynamic. And we know that. That’s why our team is constantly developing and optimising the Cubes. Each release hides new surprises that we naturally don’t want to keep from you.

With the new release 2022.02. we present this time mainly the topic of proformance, but we have also worked out extensions.

We would like to give you a small overview. You can find more detailed information about the new release here.


Performance: Server Search – Moving Database Queries to the Server (CDS)

The server search shifts database queries from the Cubes client to the CubesDataService. Especially end devices with slower network connections or lower computing power will benefit considerably from this and enable smoother work, as not all requested data is loaded at once, but is reloaded in a separate asynchronous procedure. The setting for using the server search is possible separately per user.


Performance: mobileCubes App – Large image files when taking photos directly
When taking pictures directly via the mobileCubes App, large picture files are created in the original format without compression.
Under Menu / Settings / Configuration / Image Compression, each user can set the desired degree of compression.With a compression between 25 and 50%, you get an image quality that is sufficient for most applications.
Due to the substantial reduction in size of the images, they can also be uploaded much faster and occupy less storage space.


Favourites area: Extension to display the parent objects of an object directly from the favourites
The functionality of the Favourites tree has been further improved. When hovering with the mouse pointer (so-called mouse-over) on the symbol of an entry in the favourites, all parent objects of the object concerned are displayed in a list, with the possibility of opening them directly from there.

Further extensive additional functions (features) can be licensed and obtained from us for a small fee. Detailed descriptions and offers can be requested at

Icon - Kalender

Appointment Invitation: Send MS Teams invitations from Cubes
The functionality for appointment invitations has been extended by an interface to Microsoft Teams. This makes it easy to create an MS Teams appointment invitation directly from Cubes.

In the form of the calendar appointment, a submenu „Invite MS Teams participants“ has been added to the menu item „Invite participants“.

When clicking on „Send“ the invitation, the link to the MS Teams meeting is automatically inserted into the text of the mail.


Convert Office templates from the old Office format (.dot, .xls, .ppt) to the new Office format
In some cases, older systems still contain document templates in the old MS Office format such as .dot, .xls, .xlt, .ppt. To update these to the new Office format (.dotx, .xlsx, pptx), the document templates would have to be recreated.
With the additional feature „Convert Office template“, this can be done simply by right-clicking on selected Office templates.
All data saved in the background or history is retained. The version and revision numbers are also retained.

If you have any questions about the release or are interested in our product, simply contact us.

We are there for you by e-mail as well as by phone.

Your SOL-IT Team

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